zeolites (prepared conhecidíssimo filter material based on natural dry) by its extreme tremely porous structure can extraordinary filtration capacity: 3/5 microns (the silica sand filters to the conventional 40/50 microns ).
Available in different grain sizes. Being a product with half the traditional sand density, its capacity on a filter is always 40/50% higher than flint. Its use ensures a chlorine economy and chemicals more than 30%, and 50% less filter washing with water saving. No need of flocculants.
Significantly reduces odors from the water, since it eliminates ammonia from the pool, thus avoiding the chloramines that cause irritation. Bags of 25 kg.
Filmography DOCUMENTS Filmography Product Data Sheet Zeolitas 0.5 to 1.0mm Filmography Product Data Sheet Zeolitas 1.0 to 2.0mm Filmography