- Applicability
All supplies and services associated with, made by ioT-Pool.com, are they will be solely based on the General Sales Conditions. Any references made by Buyer to his general terms and conditions shall be considered at present rejected. The General Conditions of Sale of ioT-Pool.com will also apply to all future transactions. Any departure from the General Sales Conditions, requires prior approval, express written ioT-Pool.com.
- Product quality, specimens and samples; guarantees
(i) Unless otherwise agreed, the quality of goods is exclusively determined by the specifications of IOT-Pool product. The uses identified under the European Regulation on Chemicals (REACH) applicable to goods not represent an agreement on the contractual quality of the products, or regarding the use defined under this contract.
(ii) properties of specimens and samples are binding only on just as they have been explicitly agreed to describe the quality of the products.
(iii) the data quality and shelf life, as well as other data, are guaranteed only if they have been agreed and designated as such.
- Address information
Any information provided by IoT-Pool are on the best of your knowledge. Any advice and information provided regarding the suitability and application of the products, not desobrigarão the Buyer undertake their own investigations and tests. The address for product delivery is said in the e-mail of acceptance thereof.
- Prices
If the prices or the terms of payment of IOT-Pool, are generally altered between the date of the contract and the date of shipment, the IOT-Pool may apply the price or the payment conditions in force in shipping date. In the case of price increase, the Buyer shall have the exclusive right to terminate the contract by notifying the IOT-Pool, to make within 14 days of the notice of the price increase.
- Delivery
The delivery will be made in the terms established in the contract. The commercial terminology shall be construed in accordance with the INCOTERMS in force at the conclusion of the contract date.
- Shipping and Returns
Any complaints about deterioration caused by transport must be notified in writing within 24 hours to the immediate receipt of the order. Delivery times are given as a guide. Failure to deliver the products within the period indicated, shall provide the customer the right to cancel the order, but accepting expressly waive any right to compensation, whatever the title is, if that deadline indicated is exceeded, except in cases of special requests We were asked specifically by the customer.
The products should be returned to the IOT-Pool in the same condition they were received by the customer, they must be returned in their original packaging and any seals that exist on the packaging should not come violated. The customer has to bear the full costs of returning the goods in case of exercising the right of withdrawal of the contract and the amount paid will not be returned and will need to be spent in another product in ioT-Pool.com store. In the case of returning the goods which by their nature can not be returned by post, the customer has to bear the direct costs of such return. The IOT-Pool shall inspection of the returned product and will inform the user of the right to the respective replacement or refund (if any), via email, within a reasonable time, and shall refund or replacement within 14 days. The refund of any amount paid will be performed by the same method of payment used to purchase the product, but if this is not possible, will be made by bank transfer.
- Compliance with legal requirements
The Buyer is responsible for compliance with all laws and regulations relating to the storage and use of products.
- Delayed payments
(i) Failure to pay within the period stipulated by the Purchaser shall constitute a fundamental breach of contractual obligations.
(ii) in the case of delay or lack of payment of the price by the Buyer, the IOT-Pool shall be entitled to charge and charge interest on the amount owed at the rate applicable to claims of commercially prey.
(iii) Any delay or irregularity in payment will give the IOT-Pool the right to terminate or suspend the implementation of this contract or others that are in progress. When the parties have agreed that the price would be paid in installments, the lack of timely settlement of any of them determines the immediate maturity of the rest.
- Buyer's rights regarding defective products
(i) the matter of the rights and duties of IOT-Pool and Buyer in respect of defective products, will apply:
a) If the Buyer is a final consumer, it being understood as such whom are services, supplies or related rights for non-professional use, the defined consumer protection regime, in particular, the Decree-Law N ° 67 1 2003 to April 8;
b ) If the Buyer is not a consumer, as provided for reception in the preceding paragraph, in particular, apply the products for professional use, the legal regime provided for in articles 913 et seq of the Civil Code, in which case, the time of termination of default 30 days after the product knowledge of it, and must be exercised within a period of 6 months after delivery of the thing sold.(ii) In any case, the Purchaser shall notify in writing, preferably by email to info@iot-pool.com defect, describing in detail the nature and extent of defects that can invoke and support argumentation and descriptive through photographs.
- Responsibility
(i) The IOT-Pool will be generally responsible for the damages caused to the Buyer in the terms provided by law in respect of contractual liability.
(ii) The IOT-Pool shall not be liable to Buyer in the event of failure or delay in performance of its supply obligations if the impossibility or the delay is due to compliance with regulatory obligations and / or legal matters related to the fact of the European Regulation on Chemical Substances (REACH) has been triggered by the Buyer.
- Compensation
The Purchaser may only make rights clearance of IOT-Pool with your right previously accepted or not contested by the same IOT-Pool.
- Deposit
If there are reasonable doubts about the creditworthiness of the Buyer, especially in the event of late payment of the price, the IOT-Pool may without prejudice to any other rights or claims, revoke credit terms and condition supplies after prepayment or provision other guarantees.
- Property Book
(i) The products remain the property of ioT-Pool until full payment of the price.
(ii) The IOT-Pool may claim ownership of the products due to the retention of title and regardless of whether or not terminated the contract.
- Force majeure
To the extent any incident or circumstance beyond the IOT-Pool control (including acts of God, war, strikes, lockouts, shortage of raw materials and energy, transport obstruction, damage to manufacturing equipment , fire, explosion, acts of authority or others), reduce the availability of plant products which the IOT-Pool gets the products, so that it can not meet its obligations under this contract, the ioT- pool had been exempts from the obligations under this contract to the extent that is of the Prevented meet and have no obligation to get products from other sources. The first case is also applicable to the extent that such incident or circumstance take useless contractual compliance from a commercial point of view for IoT-Pool for a long period or occurs with suppliers of own-IOT Pool. If the events referred to last for longer than three months, the IOT-Pool will be entitled to terminate the contract without the Buyer is entitled to any compensation.
- Payment Location
Regardless of the place of delivery of goods or documents, or the location of the registered office or place of the Purchaser, the place of payment is the IOT-Pool headquarters.
- Communications
The notices or communications that have to be issued by either party, will only be considered made upon receipt of the counterparty. If you have to observe a time limit, the notice or communication will have to be rececionado by the recipient within the same period.
- Jurisdiction
To resolve all emerging issues of relations between IOT-Pool and Purchaser named but not exclusively, concerning price payment obligation of goods supplied, elect parties the courts of the IOT-Pool's headquarters, the Buyer is legal person, if this is an individual, the competent court will be the home of this.
- Applicable law
The contract or contracts that may be concluded between IOT-Pool and Buyer shall be governed by the law of the Republic.
- Contract Language
The language of the contract and the relationship between the IOT-Pool and Buyer shall be Portuguese. If the General Sales Conditions are made known to Buyer in another language, in addition to the language of the contract, such been spent mere convenience of the Buyer. In the event of any differences of interpretation, prevail the version in the language of the contract.
- Order Cancellation
An order is confirmed only after payment. An order confirmed, it has been already paid, but may not have been sent by carrier, may be stock will wait or simply waiting to be processed in any way may have already existed costs in processing. If the customer requests the cancellation of the order, the ioT-Pool.com gives the right not to return the amount paid to the customer, making the value of a voucher for a future purchase. In case of return and if there is agreement on both sides, the return can be done and can be discounted the existing costs of the purchase process.