Granulated calcium hardness enhancer to increase the calcium content when it is lower than 175 ppm.
Put 1.5kg each 100m3 to increase hardness 10ppm
CTX-22 5 Kg. Hardness distorted Incremental
granulated calcium hardness enhancer, CTX-22, it is used to increase the calcium content when below 175 ppm. To avoid
aggressiveness of the water in the pool forming materials is essential to increase the hardness of calcium-CTX 22 for values & gt; 175ppm which can produce a low calcium hardness of the water
Ideal for:. All types of pools
Prevents due to an imbalance of water, skin irritation and eye. bathers, corrosion of metal parts of the pool sanitizer and excessive consumption.
Add 1.5 kg of product, to increase hardness of 100 m.3 water at 10 ppm, this being indicative dose.
water hardness should be between 175-300 ppm (CO 3 Ca) and its control is performed using a test kit once a month.
Pour the required dose of product dissolved in water and distribute said solution also on the surface of the pool.