Description: is an energetic high solubility concentrated product that combines in itself the Antifouling action, bactericide, fungicide and algicide with a triple algicidal action, clari fi and sing fl oculante. Contributes to the reduction of unpleasant smells, it is and fi effective in preventing the onset of algae does not alter the pH at recommended doses and is compatible with all types of rods fi , sand much as diatomite.
use: Initial treatment should be carried out by adding 1 L of Antifouling per 100 m 3 water pool. Maintenance therapy is due to performing adding, once weekly, 0.25 L Antifouling three actions Ecopool per 100 m 3 water. The assay should be conducted by pouring the required dose of the product in a container with water, spreading the solution uniformly on the surface of the pool.
818 008 - ECOPOOL - Antifouling THREE ACTIONS
Concentrated energy high solubility. Algaecide liquid flocculant clarifier with micro-feature, which gives it a greater ability to eliminate algae appearing in suspension.
Ideal for : u> All kinds of pools
Amount added u>
Instructions for use u> Pour in a container with water and divide the pool on the surface evenly. Before the emergence of algae or when note lack of transparency in water, adding one lt product ECOPOOL triple action Antifouling per 100 m3 of water.