The use of Total chlorine and pH analyzer kit ECOPOOL is an economical, quick and easy way to find out the level of disinfectant and pH in your pool water. Ideal for daily analysis and should be replaced annually. It is composed of 2 reagents: OTO (orthotolidine) for determining the disinfectant level, and phenol red for determining the pH level.
Orthotolidine is a transparent reagent that oxidizes, turning yellow when in contact with the disinfectant . The intensity of yellow will depend on the amount of oxidants present in the water, while phenol red will react to differences in pH, changing from red to violet.
The OTO test must always be performed before the phenol test, as this will not work correctly if the level of disinfectant is too high, leading to erroneous readings. It is also important to rinse the test tubes in pool water before using them.
The Ecopool Analyzer Kit is a quick and easy (although not as accurate as other systems) inexpensive way to find out the disinfectant level and pH in your pool water. Ideal for daily analysis and should be replaced annually. It is composed of 2 reagents: OTO (orthodolidine) for determining the disinfectant level and red phenol for determining the pH level.
mode of use
Fill the kit to the line indicated with water and place six drops of phenol red in the red compartment and six drops of OTO in the yellow compartment. Using the color charts as a reference, determine the chlorine and pH levels. We recommend testing the water two to three times a week, this habit will ensure good chlorine levels and you won't have to worry about a corrosive pH.